So.... who would sit and individually wrap 75 chocolate buttons in little squares of foil??? I would! Last year, before I first visited blogland, I made this advent calendar for my children. I was fed up of the nasty chocolate you get in the advent calendars in the shops, and begrudge paying an arm and a leg for the decent ones when you get less chocolate than in a packet of smarties! I can fill this one with enough chocolate for my three little darlings from just over two packets of chocolate buttons (which only cost about 10p a packet if your fella works at Cadbury's..... I've told you girls, he's ALL mine!)
I cut the tree from a rice krispie packet and covered it with felt I bought from hobbycraft. I cut out 50 felt hearts and stitched them together to make 25 little pockets. I numbered them using the Bang! Zoom! alphabet in my Bigshot. A few bells for baubles, some ribbon around the top of the bucket and on the back to hang it up and some hand-stitching around the star to finish.
It took me weeks to make, but I'll definitely be using it every year!
Love 'n' hugs,
Mel xx
Dear Mel, thank you so much for the RAK you've sent me!! I love it! You're so sweet! :))
Viki from Hungary
This is stunning Mel,very inspiring indeed.
Mmmmmmmmmm your huby works in Cadbury's??? you kept that one quiet!!
Any spare chocolate feel free to send some up my way hee hee.
Hi Mel this is a brilliant idea, bet your kids love it and will look back with really fond memories when they're older. Totally agree much better than the shop bought ones.
Donna x
Fab Mel, I made an advent tree when my son was young for the same reason only I made mine a bit bigger and the pockets were big enough for quality street or roses etc. Last year my son then 15 said not to bother with the calendar, he'd just have the chocolates, sadly this year he's not mentioned either, why do kids grow up, enjoy yours while it lasts and love your neat tree.
This is great, what a wonderful idea.
Liz x
Oh Mel this is just fab!
A great idea especially adding the choc buttons hee!
When we were wee we had the chance to get Cadbury's chocolate from my Mum's friend! Now I hate it hee sorry honey!
Hope your doing ok with the snow??
Hugs Melly xxx
Hi Mel...hope you're well? A really fab idea and you have a lot of patience! xx Jenny xx
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